Background: Depression is a significant public health issue and a common cause of absenteeism and disability. The link between nutrition and the risk of depression has been shown in cross-sectional and cohort studies, but there are few randomized controlled trials demonstrating a causal relationship. Research is particularly needed among high-risk groups for depression, such as mental health professionals.
Objective: The aim of the Mind Nutrition study is to determine whether dietary counseling can impact the risk of depressive symptoms and the maintenance and improvement of work ability. A secondary objective is to examine the relationship between diet quality, mental health and work ability in the working-age Finnish population.
Methods: The study combines a randomized controlled trial and a population study component. The intervention study investigates the effectiveness of six months of individual and group dietary counseling on depressive symptoms and work ability. Participants include practical nurses, registered nurses, and social workers in the mental health and substance abuse fields. Half of them are randomized into the intervention group and half into the control group. Depressive symptoms, work ability, and quality of life are measured with surveys, and diet is assessed with surveys and food diaries at the beginning and end of the intervention. The population study component examines the relationship between diet quality, mental health and work ability in the Finnish adult population.
Discussion: The study will provide nationally and internationally important information on the effectiveness of dietary counseling on depressive symptoms, work ability, and quality of life in high-risk groups for depression. Additionally, it will offer insights into the relationship between diet quality, mental health and work ability in the Finnish adult population. Based on the results, preventive, health-promoting measures can be targeted at high-risk groups for depression.
Project Experts
The Mind nutrition project is led by Senior Researcher, PhD Susanna Kunvik, who has broad knowledge on nutrition interventions and nutrition guidance. MSc Elina Nivala works as the study nutritionist giving nutritional guidance to participants. Other experts working in the project found here.